Debbie Soper - Sales Consultant
Necessary Documentation
In terms of preparing for the market alongside the practical on-site preparation, there's information to gather from you to aid the preparation of your AML (Anti-Money Laundering) verification and your Listing Information Pack which the interested parties will require for their due diligence.
AML Verification
The Department of Internal Affairs require us to forward all owners / trustees:
Proof of ID – Ideally your current signed passport or in the absence of current passports, your drivers licence,
Proof of Address - Mail addressed to you at your place of residence, less than 3 months old.
For Trusts - A copy of the signed and dated Trust Deed and the “Settlement Statement” from when the Trust acquired the Property. These documents can be obtained from your solicitor if they’re not easily on hand.
* Insurance Details - A copy of your Property Insurance Document along with any EQ Claims for Earthquake related damage and a copy of the Settlement Statement if Cash Settled. (Pref on electronic copy for clearer reproduction).
* All EQC Documentation - Claim numbers, Statement of Claims and Cash Settlement Statements for works paid out on and for Managed Repairs, the Scope of Works (SOW), Completion Sign off or Cash Settlement Statement. For works completed by yourselves or commissioned by yourselves, on commissioning a building report, give the building inspector a copy of the claims to comment on, to confirm repairs have been completed. Where repairs haven’t been completed, we acknowledge that on the contract.
This information can take a bit of gathering, especially if you don't have possession of all your EQC related documentation. Should this be the case, please email EQC immediately at .
If you haven’t received a reply email within 1-2 days, call EQC on 0800-326-243 and check they’ve received your email. Ask them to send you the information as soon as possible. You may need to be 'squeaky wheel' until it arrives.
* A recent Building report: - This is to be carried out by Licensed Building Practitioner qualified to inspect and write a Pre-sale / Pre-Purchase Building report. This will confirm the EQC works carried out if you did the repair works yourself. I can supply a list of Building Practitioners who specialise in these reports.